Bootstrap toolkit from Twitter : Overview

Bootstrap can help you to build your sites faster offerring ready-to-use HTML/CSS code for different layout, buttons, forms. I got used to use such CSS-frameworks to save my time while building standard HTML layouts for my sites.

Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more.
Bootstrap is built with Less and was designed to work out of the gate with only modern browsers in mind.

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Entity Framework vs LINQ to SQL

Recently, I was building a project on ASP.NET MVC which used data from a database with a simple structure. I got used to use Entity Framework (EF) in big projects with complicated databases. I wonder what is the best way to use to access data in relational databases: LINQ to SQL or EF.

After reading blogs and discussions on forums I wrote this article to show the advantages and disadvantages of using LINQ2SQL and Entity Framework (EF).

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How to create custom embeddable charts with data from Google Analytics using filters

This article will explain you how to create your own custom embeddable charts based on data from Google Analytics. We will do it with using the service – a free web tool to create charts.

Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools for analyzing traffic on your website. Google Analytics gives you a lot of information about visitors of your web site.

Explainum helps you to create interactive web charts to analyze your traffic. You can create meaningful charts using such a powerful tool as filters in Google Analytics.

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