LiveReload allows you to reload your application in browser automatically after code files are changed.
Using LiveReload with your Rails application is very easy.
Follow these easy steps.
LiveReload allows you to reload your application in browser automatically after code files are changed.
Using LiveReload with your Rails application is very easy.
Follow these easy steps.
This Github repository contains an example of deploying Rails application with Capistrano 3 including features:
– copy config files to shared folder
– linked files and dirs
– precompile assets locally
– precompile assets only if files were changed
– restart app in Passenger
– show a maintenance page on site while the site is updating
Find it on Github: Download the files from the repository and use the tasks according to your requirements.
simple_form is very powerful gem allowing to customize almost everything while rendering form elements. In this post we will add a new custom component to simple_form for better rendering of submit buttons.
This posts shows how to run Selenium tests on Centos. Tests written on Ruby will use Selenium WebDriver API to run the browser directly. We don’t need to install Selenium Server because selenium tests will be executed locally against Firefox browser on the same server (Centos).
A collection of tips about designing Rails application and making a better architecture.
ActiveAdmin is a popular Ruby on Rails plugin for creating admin area. It helps developers solve many common problems to view/edit data as administrator. There are several other similar plugins, but I prefer ActiveAdmin because it allows developers to customize almost everything.
This post shows how to to add a custom action to an ActiveAdmin controller.
There are several gems to have slug in a model in Rails application: friendly_id, slugged and some others.
A Rails application needs some data to exist in database before the application can be run. It is called ‘seed’ data.
This post shows how to create a rake task that loads ‘seed’ data. Data is stored in *.yml files.
Sessions in Rails application can be stored in a database (as well as in cookies). I used to store session data in a table in database.
Sessions table may grow very large because Rails doesn’t have a built-in mechanism to clear old session data.
So you need to remove old sessions rows from database manually.
This post shows how to handle nested models in one form with the parent model.